Engaging Culture, Congress, and the Media w/Pat Mahoney [MP3 DISC]
Engaging Culture, Congress, and the Media (Taught by Patrick J. Mahoney)
[7 Hours of Teaching on one MP3 CD]
How does the gospel intersect with culture? What is the church’s role in society? How can we take the gospel into the streets and into our communities? How can we influence Congress and the media? Pat Mahoney, who has been on the front lines of cultural engagement for more than twenty-five years, will provoke you to godly action and inspire you to rise up and change your world in the life and power of the Spirit.
Patrick J. Mahoney is a nationally known Christian social and political activist, and an ordained minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Pat works in Washington, D.C. and resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia with his wife Katie. He was founder, and also served on the Executive Board, of the Alliance for Revival and Reformation and he has appeared on Crossfire, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Nightline, Larry King, Oprah, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, MSNBC, BBC, 20/20, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor, and the 700 Club.
These live sessions were recorded back before recent advancements in audio technology. Due to the invaluable and timeless nature of this series, we didn’t want to remove anything, but instead enhanced the quality as much as possible. Nevertheless, please be advised that this live audio remains on a different level and may require more careful listening at some points. Thank you.