Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?

Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?


Evangelicals at the Crossroads:

Will We Pass the Trump Test?


The evangelical church in America finds itself at a major crossroads, and the decisions we make this year will have massive implications for the years ahead. And the question we must answer is this: What do we do with Donald Trump?

Do we cast our vote for Trump as a strong pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-family, pro-religious liberty president? Or does a vote for him tarnish our witness, making us guilty by association when the president behaves badly?

For some, Trump is almost a savior figure, uniquely called and anointed by God. For others, he is more like the antichrist.

How do we sort this out?

I have spent months working on this major new book, Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? - and I believe this is just what America needs at such a time as this.

In Evangelicals at the Crossroads, I lay out the evangelical case against Trump, the evangelical case for Trump, and then offer a 10-point strategy where we can remain politically active while still putting the cross before the flag. I also answer questions like: Have we passed the love test? Did God uniquely raise up Trump? What if Hillary had been elected?

And much more. (See Table of Contents below)

We are truly at a critical point in American history, and it is crucial that we pass the Trump test with flying colors. This book will help show you the way, regardless of your political affiliation or voting history.

Place your order today, and we can't wait to hear from you once the book is in your hands. 


Table of Contents:

Presenting the Problem

The Enigma of Donald Trump and the Quandary of Evangelicals
Since When Was Loyalty to Trump the Dividing Line for Christians?
Have We Failed the Love Test?
Does Character Still Count and Does Morality Still Matter?
The ‘Cult of Trump’ vs. ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’
Did God Uniquely Raise Up Donald Trump?


Responding to the Criticisms and Concerns 

Does a Vote for Trump Hurt Our Witness?
Did We Really Put Our Pocketbooks Before Our Principles?
Responding to a Passionate Plea from ‘Progressive’ Christians
What Would Bonhoeffer Do?
The Christianity Today Article and the Shot Heard Around the Evangelical World
When the Left Demonizes the Right
What If Hillary Had Been Elected?
Trump, Israel, and the ‘New World Order’
Trump Is Trump
Bottom Line Is Simple


Navigating the Way Forward

10 Essential Keys for Passing the Trump Test

*PLEASE NOTE: Due to several shipping and demand factors, the new book will go out as soon as possible, YET may require an additional 2-3 weeks. Thank you for your patience! 

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