Countering the Counter-Missionaries SET


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Do you have questions about the Messianic credentials of Yeshua?

Do you need in-depth, intellectually sound responses to the objections posed by traditional Judaism?

For the first time, there is a comprehensive VIDEO or AUDIO series (WITH Study Guide), devoted exclusively to countering the counter-missionaries!


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Countering the Counter-Missionaries Teaching Series

This series provides more than 20 hours of teaching, grounded in solid biblical and Jewish scholarship, that responds to all the major objections brought against the Messiahship of Jesus, demonstrating from the Scriptures that he is the promised Redeemer of the Jewish people and the Savior of the world.

This important resource is a great faith builder for those who are struggling, a great outreach tool for those who are seeking, and a great source of edification and enrichment for those who are involved in Jewish evangelism and for all those who love the Word.

Topic's include:
• The Evidence of Messianic Prophecy
• Counter-missionary Challenges to the book of Matthew
• Mistranslations in the New Testament?
• The Qualifications for Messiah
• The Temple, Blood Atonement, and Sacrifice
• The Atoning Power of the Death of the Righteous
• The Complex Unity of God
• The Personality of the Holy Spirit
• The Ongoing Relevance of Torah
• The Jewishness of the New Testament
• The Reliability of the New Testament
• Jewish Tradition, Rabbinic Authority, and the Oral Law
• God's Redemptive Purpose for the Jewish People


Dr. Michael L. Brown holds a Ph. D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University. He is the author of the highly-acclaimed multi-volume series Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus and is a contributor to the Oxford Dictionary of Jewish Religion, the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, and The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. He is widely considered to be the foremost Messianic Jewish apologist today.


PLEASE SELECT from the various FORMAT options available above in the drop-down menu. (Audio, Video, Paperback, Digital Downloads, etc)


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